About Us

NAIJATABLOID is owned and published by Lucid Media Ltd. Registered in Nigeria With RC1795877. We are an independent news organization focused on publishing only verified news reports. Our news content services are published via our website www.naijatabloid.com alongside our Social Media handles.

As an independent media firm we are here to select and emphasize truthful and vital information that is interesting, entertaining and useful to our teaming audience.

Our core objective is in publishing content of the highest quality with the aim of winning the trust of our readers and the public at large. As an organization we are poised to defend the practice and promotion of the principles of journalistic integrity

We provide our visitors with up-to-date breaking news, research-based content, and personalized information resources. We strive towards bringing all the latest news from various Nigerian Newspapers in one place and website called “NAIJATABLOID.COM”
